Classification of cities.

Global metropolis: they more than ten million inhabitants, have very specialized roles, concentrated economic centres (headquarters of multinationals), financial (bags) and politicians worldwide. Its area of influence is global thanks to powerful infrastructure of transport and communications. Examples: New York, London or Tokyo.

Continental metropolises: population of several million inhabitants with rapid growth. They are concentrated important political or economic functions. Its area of influence covers part of a continent. Examples: Sao Paulo, Cairo or Moscow.

National metropolis: tend to exceed one million. They concentrate the main economic activities and the political power of a country. Its influence covers the national territory. Example: Seoul.

Regional metropolis: with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, they perform specialized functions (universities, research centres, etc.), and its area of influence covers a wide area of a country. Example: Zaragoza.

Smaller cities: population smaller, less sophisticated and with a provincial or regional hinterland functions. E.g.: Soria.

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Advantages of living in Mexico City.

The advantages of living in the city is that there are multiple forms of education such as high schools and universities in the cities. Libraries and museums available in cities. Various forms of entertainment are visible in the cities, theatres, amusement parks and restaurants.


In the city there is more anonymity. In the cities, people live in apartments in general, windows have curtains for privacy and people close their doors when they are not at home.

Jobs and careers

Living in the city offers thousands of career opportunities to people. Professionals have access to large companies, hospitals and educational facilities to get employment opportunities. People with less education can be found easier work in the service area customer or jobs at the beginner level. Even specialized works and careers that focus on the arts are available in a city with a larger population.

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Problems of living in Mexico City.

In the case of Mexico, eight of every 10 Mexicans live in urban areas and six of every 10 lives in a metropolitan area. Nearly 64 million Mexicans (56.8 per cent of the total population according to the Census of 2010 from INEGI) live in metropolitan areas that span 367 municipalities.

The document delimitation of the metropolitan areas in Mexico 2010, based on the Census of the INEGI, showed that in the country there are 29 metropolitan areas from 100 to 499 thousand inhabitants; 19 inhabited by more than 500 thousand and less than a million people; 10 metropolis that exceed 1 million inhabitants, but do not exceed 5 million, and a mega-city, the Valley of Mexico, more than 20 million and is the fifth largest city in the world.

The case of Mexico the trend towards urbanization is present worldwide, whose urban population already exceeds 50 percent, but is Latin America and the Caribbean, with nearly 80 percent of its population resided in cities, the most urbanized region of the planet.


 In 50 years, the population living in cities has tripled and is now facing severe problems of mobility, housing, insecurity, poverty, lack of water and governance, among others. The cities with the largest populations already experiencing shortages of water that can affect their socio-economic and environmental systems. An important measure to combat the shortage of the liquid is the treatment of waste water in cities, which currently are mostly sent to rural areas.


Study that makes the UN points out that in the last 10 years the vehicle fleet growth of 9 percent annually, with 80 percent private transport, which meets only 30 percent of the disabled.

INEGI figures show that a fifth of workers in Mexico it takes them more than 3 hours move from your home to your employment.

It is estimated that there are nearly 30 million cars in Mexico. In the 59 metropolitan areas, 30 percent of travel is done walk, public transport 40 and 30 in the car, whose average speed during "non peak" in the city of Mexico barely reaches 15 kilometers per hour. 

The Mexican Association of the automotive industry reported that only in 2011 it sold 900,000 automobiles. And it is estimated that for 2030, the number of cars reach 65 billion.


The Inter-American Development Bank said this year the main problems of housing in the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean: lack of access to infrastructure, poor materials, lack of secure tenure, overcrowding and quantitative deficit.

4 percent lacks electricity, 15 per cent of sanitation and drinking water 9. Also, 3 percent have poor roof, 6 per cent dirt floors and 2 per cent walls in poor condition.

The developments lack social and commercial services that do not lead to the creation of social fabric.


Social insecurity is a current problem. Among the causes of insecurity are detected, is the unemployment affecting a large number of people; persons against property and the physical integrity of the citizens are often not having a stable job that guarantees them enough income to support his family.

Solid waste. 

According to INEGI, until 2010, in Mexico generated 109 thousand day 750 tons of waste, of which 27 per cent were deposited in sites not controlled, 64 percent came to landfills and 9 percent to controlled earth-filled.

35.3 million tons of solid waste are generated annually. In accordance with the University's environmental program of the UNAM, landfills have been declared obsolete in developed countries, despite that in Mexico there are 95.

Just at beginning of year the Mexican capital suffered a crisis of garbage in the streets by failures in the pickup that caused the closure of the Bordo Poniente, whose capacity to store garbage ranked it as the largest in Latin America.

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Characteristic of the city life.

Jobs: Although, the big city has more job opportunities; there are also more people competing for a single job. This can make your job search frustrating. Oddly enough, you will see hundreds, if not thousands of jobs available each week, but you still might remain unemployed, especially when the economy is down. For example, you might be qualified for a job, but 10 other people who are applying for the position are slightly more qualified. Maybe they have more job experience or a master's degree and you just have a bachelor's.

Cost-of-Living: the cost-of-living is typically higher in big cities, and it can cost you an arm and a leg for a small apartment in a decent area of the city. However, it is possible to find a cheaper place to live (I did twice), but typically it is in the not so great part of the city.

People: Although, the diversity is a good thing, the amount of people can be a bit over-whelming if you are not accustom to it. There will always be crowds and always be people around. Some people enjoy this, while others prefer the peace and quiet of a small town.

Traffic: can be a nightmare in the big city. It can get so bad that it can turn you in to an evil person. If you hate driving in traffic, than the big city life is not for you.

Pollution: is a sad reality for big city life and one of the biggest disadvantages. It would always sadden me when I would drive into the city for work in the morning in the summer time and see huge cloud of smog hovering over the downtown skyline. Unfortunately, pollution may always be a problem in the big city despite the efforts made to reduce pollution such as the signs on the highway stating to not fill-up on gas or mow your yard until after 6:00 p.m.

Crime: there is always more crime in a big city, causing you second case your decision for living in a big city. You are much more likely to be a victim of a crime living in a big city than in a small town. However, I must say, after eight years of living in a big city, and in the not-so-great part of the town; I was never a victim of a crime other than some kid putting their gum on my car once.

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In this blog you will find all kinds of information about life in the city.


For my living in the city is interesting but also stressful, have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages or more interesting reasons for me is entertainment extra, you can go to distract you to many places, convenience is also one of the reasons that it is important for me personally, know new people and the last reason is the variety of work. The disadvantages and the most important for me is the pollution, traffic and transportation.

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