Classification of cities.

Global metropolis: they more than ten million inhabitants, have very specialized roles, concentrated economic centres (headquarters of multinationals), financial (bags) and politicians worldwide. Its area of influence is global thanks to powerful infrastructure of transport and communications. Examples: New York, London or Tokyo.

Continental metropolises: population of several million inhabitants with rapid growth. They are concentrated important political or economic functions. Its area of influence covers part of a continent. Examples: Sao Paulo, Cairo or Moscow.

National metropolis: tend to exceed one million. They concentrate the main economic activities and the political power of a country. Its influence covers the national territory. Example: Seoul.

Regional metropolis: with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, they perform specialized functions (universities, research centres, etc.), and its area of influence covers a wide area of a country. Example: Zaragoza.

Smaller cities: population smaller, less sophisticated and with a provincial or regional hinterland functions. E.g.: Soria.

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